Testing: How to actually write tests?
Write tests in Laravel using PHPUnit and the Given-When-Then pattern. I also explain how to use the “Red-Green-Refactor” approach with TDD.
Let’s Build A WordPress Theme From Scratch Using Timber And Bootstrap
In this in-depth article we will develop a functional WordPress theme using Bootstrap 4 and Timber.
Introducing branch, a starter theme for WordPress
Ever since I discovered Timber library for WordPress, I’ve become fond of it. It makes developing themes a breeze and cuts development time straight to half. In this article we’ll learn more about branch, a starter theme built using Timber library. Enter branch branch is a Bootstrap based responsive starter theme with the goodness of…
WordPress Code Generators
Hi, Let me quickly share with you some useful code generators specifically for WordPress. If you are into developing or customizing wordpress themes and plugins, these tools come in really handy. GenerateWP (This one’s my fav so far) Themergency WordPress Theme Generator by yvoschaap.com If you know other than the ones I menetioned would be…
Customized jQuery UI Autocomplete Widget: List Items with description
jQuery has made DOM parsing & manipulation easy for every developer out there. jQuery has provided a range of rich set of UI controls. My focus will be on how to customize the jQuery UI Autocomplete (version 1.8.15) widget item list according to our needs. Our requirement for the customized item list were: Each Drop-down…
Add a WordPress-like Read More link to your content
Today I am going to show you how to write your own function which shows teaser text with a “Read more” link.