Publishing Your First Composer Package
In this tutorial, we will learn how to create and publish a composer package on Packagist. We will also learn how to use the package in our project.
Testing: How to actually write tests?
Write tests in Laravel using PHPUnit and the Given-When-Then pattern. I also explain how to use the “Red-Green-Refactor” approach with TDD.
بلوچی گوگل تہا چون کئیت؟
اے نبشتانک تہا من گوشتگ کہ مارا چے کنگ لوٹیت کہ گوگل بلوچی ءَ سَپورٹ کُت بہ کنت
The Year 2019: As The Last Sun Sets
I look back at my life in terms of what worked for me and what didn’t in 2019.
How I Created My dotfiles
In this blog post I share my story about how I created my dotfiles. What stopped me from making the decision to just go and create them before a disaster.
My Free Programming Course & Why It’s A Great Opportunity For You To Join
As promised in my previous post, I have partnered with one of the oldest community centers of Turbat, RCDC to teach programming basics to anyone with no prior experience with programming, for free. Yes, you read that right! What is RCDC? Rural Community Development Council Kech (RCDC) is a not-for-profit, which was established on 1972…
The Year 2018: As The Last Sun Sets
This is not a year-end review as such but a look-back on my year as a family man and a developer in 2018.
Why Am I A Junior Developer?
Let’s talk about why you might still be called a Junior Developer even after years and years working professionally and writing hundreds of lines of code in the past.
Let’s Build A WordPress Theme From Scratch Using Timber And Bootstrap
In this in-depth article we will develop a functional WordPress theme using Bootstrap 4 and Timber.